Tuesday, November 6, 2007


  1. I thought I saw you at the 8 mile marker! You ran by too fast for me to wave to you. By the time I got to Central Park via the Subway, you had already crossed the finish line and left. Sorry I missed you. At least I got to meet Robert Redford at The Post House restaurant at dinner after the race. Best Wishes, Michelle in Cincinnati

  2. That's me - faster than a speeding subway train!

    How is Robert these days?

  3. What do they mean "unknown"? You're a legend around these parts. Are you back in Blighty yet?

  4. Phil - have you closed your blog?? my blog is dormant too but for different reasons...I keep checking yours as (I am sure other people feel the same) after all you shared we want to know how you are.

    no pressure .....!!!
